Loiola XXI

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Concurso latinoamericano para premios anticorrupción.

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 Transparency international 

Latin American Investigative Journalism Award call for submissions now open

US$30,000 in prizes will be distributed amongst the winners

    Importantes premios para una causa noble: la anticorrupción.

          Concurso convocado por  Transparency International

          para Latinoamérica 

Transparency International (TI) and the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (Press and Society Institute, IPYS), with the kind support of the Open Society Foundations, are organising a new edition of the Latin American Investigative Journalism Award. The prize will award US$30,000 to the highest quality journalism published in the press, on the radio or television, or in any online medium, in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2012.

The prize is open to all investigations of public interest issues. The jury will be comprised of five prominent investigative journalism experts from the region. They will be responsible for selecting the three best pieces of work, as well as those investigations that, according to their criteria, deserve an honourable mention.

US$15,000 is awarded for the first place; US$ 10,000 for second place and US$5,000 for third. The winners will be announced in a special ceremony as part of the Latin American Conference on Investigative Journalism (COLPIN), the most important professional meeting on journalism in the region. All winners and finalists will be invited to this year’s event in Rio de Janeiro to present their work.

The guidelines

In order to participate the candidates must send their individual or group work published during 2012 that contributed to greater transparency in the public sector, business sector and in the media, or social spending. Each piece of work must be accompanied by an executive summary of the investigation.

The investigations can be sent by e-mail to premio@ipys.org in pdf format or as a URL address for written media and Internet pages, and exclusively by post for those radio and television pieces that exceed the sending capacity of e-mail.

Submissions from the entire region will be accepted until 14 June 2013, when the jury will start its selection. Those interested can find the complete guidelines at www.ipys.org and can clarify any doubts via the e-mail address provided above.


Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption

Autor: loiolaxxi

periodista, jesuita, bloguero, profesor, jubilado

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